Y Q Ases Translation

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Es el poder maravilloso y el milagro de la espada que ases lo que nos ha permitido volver a reunirnos. It is the wondrous power and the miracle of the sword that you hold that has allowed us to meet again. Quality: Excellent. Reference: Jonathanmunoz246. Last Update: 2017-03-14. Usage Frequency: 1.

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Y Q Ases Translation
The receipt's inside. I hope you grill your face.
Mantenimiento (cada vez que ases): No realices un proceso de carbonización después de cocinar; deja que los restos de los alimentos permanezcan adheridos a la rejilla para mantener una capa protectora en el hierro fundido.
Maintenance (every time you grill): Don't do a burn-off after you grill, but rather leave the cooking residues on the grates to keep a protective coating on the cast iron.
Hammer, quita eso antes de que ases a algún amigo.
Hammer, put it away before you broil somebody that I like.
What do you got, only 6s and aces under those dice?
Es el poder maravilloso y el milagro de la espada que ases lo que nos ha permitido volver a reunirnos.
It is the wondrous power and the miracle of the sword that you hold that has allowed us to meet again.
You're supposed to toast the marshmallow!
I need you to grill these fingerprints off, all right?
What are you up to?
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
The receipt's inside. I hope you grill your face.
Mantenimiento (cada vez que ases): No realices un proceso de carbonización después de cocinar; deja que los restos de los alimentos permanezcan adheridos a la rejilla para mantener una capa protectora en el hierro fundido.
Maintenance (every time you grill): Don't do a burn-off after you grill, but rather leave the cooking residues on the grates to keep a protective coating on the cast iron.
Hammer, quita eso antes de que ases a algún amigo.
Hammer, put it away before you broil somebody that I like.
What do you got, only 6s and aces under those dice?
Es el poder maravilloso y el milagro de la espada que ases lo que nos ha permitido volver a reunirnos.
It is the wondrous power and the miracle of the sword that you hold that has allowed us to meet again.
You're supposed to toast the marshmallow!
I need you to grill these fingerprints off, all right?
What are you up to?
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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